
User Guide

Skye: Task Management Chatbot

Skye is desktop app for managing tasks. It is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI). If you can type fast, Skye can manage your tasks faster than other GUI apps.

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Download the latest release of skye.jar from here.
  3. Copy skye.jar to an empty folder that you want to use as the home folder for your task management.
  4. You can either double-click on skye.jar or open a terminal and type java -jar skye.jar to run the application. A window should appear in a few seconds with a welcome message as shown below.

Screenshot of welcome image

Main Features

Add a new todo: todo <description>

Create a ToDo task and adds it into a task list.

Example of usage:

todo Buy Bread from Supermarket

Creates a new ToDo task with description “todo Buy Bread from Supermarket

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add todo

Add a new deadline: deadline <description> /by <dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm>

Creates a Deadline task and adds it into a task list.

Example of usage:

deadline Lab Assignment /by 27-09-2023 23:59

Creates a Deadline task with the description “Lab Assignment” that is due on “27-09-2023 23:59”

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add deadline

Add a new event: event <description> /from <dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm> /to <dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm>

Creates an Event task and adds it into a task list.

Example of usage:

event Marathon /from 01-10-2023 06:00 /to 01-10-2023 12:00

Creates an Event task with the description “Marathon” that starts at “01-10-2023 06:00” and ends at “01-10-2023 12:00”.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

List all tasks: list tasks

Lists all tasks in the task list.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

Delete a task: delete tasks /index <task number>

Removes a task from the task list.

Example of usage:

delete tasks /index 4

Delete the 4th task shown in the current task list.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

Find tasks: find tasks /q <keyword>

Find task descriptions contains the keyword.

Example of usage:

find tasks /q on

Find matching task descriptions containing the keyword “on”.

Expected outcome:

Mark a task as complete: mark <task number>

Marks a task as complete.

Example of usage:

mark 4

Mark the 4th task from the current task list as “complete”.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

Unmark a task as incomplete: unmark <task number>

Unmark a completed task. Use it when you have accidentally marked a task as “complete”.

Example of usage:

unmark 3

Unmark the 3rd task (that was originally complete) from the current task list.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

Check due tasks: due <DD-MM-YYYY>

Find and list tasks due on a given date.

Example of usage:

due 27-09-2023

Finds tasks that are due on “27-09-2023”

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

Extension Features (D-Places)

Add a new venue: venue <name> /address <address> /size <capacity> /rent <rent>

Creates a Venue and adds to a venue list.

Example of usage:

venue LT19 /address Computing Drive /size 250 /rent 10.99

Add a venue named “LT19” at “Computing Drive” that can accommodate 250 people and costs 10.99 for renting.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

List venues: list venues

List all venues from the current venue list.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

Delete a venue: delete venues /index <venue number>

Removes a venue from the venue list.

Example of usage:

delete venues /index 5

Delete the 5th venue from the current venue list.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event

Find venues: find venues /q <keyword>

Finds venues names from the current venue list that contain the keyword.

Example of usage:

find venues /q LT

Find matching task names containing the keyword “LT”.

Expected outcome:

Screenshot of add event